As the World Transgender Day of Visibility nears, Iowa City groups are preparing more thana week of events to celebrate the ...
TikTok has offered Anania a platform to control their own future and advocate for issues that are important to them.
As LGBTQ rights are stripped in Iowa, businesses across the state are making it clear where they stand with the help of ...
The Iowa House is scheduled to debate six bills on Tuesday, deemed asanti-LGBTQ legislation byOne Iowa Action.One of the ...
Trump administration drops challenge to a court's ruling blocking Biden rules that would have expanded protections for ...
The leader of an Iowa LGBTQ rights nonprofit is encouraging Iowans who want to change the sex on their Iowa birth certificate ...
The voices of people being targeted are vital, but so are voices of outsiders standing up for their humanity, Iowans explain ...
About 150 people gathered Tuesday in the Iowa Capitol Rotunda in a show of solidarity during LGBTQ+ Day on the Hill.
A week and a half ago, Iowa Republican majorities removed gender identity as a protected class in Iowa civil rights code. On ...
A top acting State Department official deleted at least half a dozen tweets that ridiculed his new boss, Secretary of State ...
Singing "we shall overcome," LGBTQ Iowans shared a message of hope at the Capitol on the heels of a GOP law taking away trans ...
(photo courtesy of Dave Price) The leader of an Iowa LGBTQ rights nonprofit is encouraging Iowans who want to change the sex on their Iowa birth certificate to do it as soon as possible.