The iPhone 16 Pro was launched in India at a starting price of Rs 1,19,900. Currently, Vijay Sales is offering it at a discounted price of Rs 1,06,900.
The iPhone 16 is fantastic phone: let’s just get that out of the way right off the bat. It does everything I would ever want ...
According to a new report, Apple will launch the iPhone 16E and iPad 11 before iOS 18.4 arrives, which means they should be ...
In the past, the battle between smartphones was locked to Samsung vs Apple, but nowadays there are more competitors than ever ...
In my hands-on test, the OnePlus 13 impressed me with its IP69 durability, Aqua Touch screen usability when wet, and ...
After years of head-scratching omissions, the OnePlus 13 pulls everything together in such a way that makes it hard to put ...