The animated PBS Kids series, "Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum," follows Xavier as he, his sister and friend meet historical figures portrayed as children. In a recent episode, they meet a person ...
The nominations for The Children's & Family Emmy Awards are here, and the preschool series Young Jedi Adventures nabbed four ...
Williamsport, Central Mountain, Muncy and Jersey Shore wrestlers all saw success at various weight classes on Day 1 of the Tom Best Memorial Top Hat Tournament at Williamsport’s Magic Dome on Friday.
Williamsport, Central Mountain, Muncy and Jersey Shore wrestlers all saw success at various weight classes on Day 1 of the Tom Best Memorial Top Hat Tournament at Williamsport’s Magic Dome on Friday.
With Charles Xavier on the run, Emma Frost and Kitty Pryde reckon with their own dreams and fears for the future of mutantkind. Axo feels pushed away from the team and pulled closer and closer to ...
With Charles Xavier on the run, Emma Frost and Kitty Pryde reckon with their own dreams and fears for the future of ...
St. Xavier High School is mourning the sudden death of a member of its staff.In a letter sent to families Thursday morning, the school says Dr. Jamie Laughlin, a member of St. Xavier's science ...
It appears things are starting to work out for Kansas City Chiefs rookie receiver Xavier Worthy, with the speed merchant now coming into his own in Andy Reid's offense. Having been a bit-part ...
Used to the boring and typical habit of eating turkey, Xavier and his family went hunting for the day, where they found the raccoon (you do not get it at the grocery store obviously) around his ...