Modern oceans, for comparison, max out at trophic level five or six, represented by apex predators like orcas, sperm whales, ...
India, the world’s most populated country, has been successfully working to recover one of the largest, and most iconic, carnivores, the tiger, for decades. Protection, prey, peace, and prosperity ...
Traditional biodiversity monitoring methods, such as direct observations and morphological classifications, often fall short ...
Predators at the top of a marine food chain 130 million years ago ruled with more power than any modern species ... from the Cretaceous period revealed. Trophic levels are the layers or ranks ...
By controlling the numbers of meso-predators and herbivores, these top predators can have cascading effects on plant and animal species at different trophic levels. Their predation activities ...
Ecologists have identified significant ecological risks associated with the release of hybrid groupers into Hong Kong's coastal waters, a practice often linked to religious 'mercy release' rituals.
There is a critical link between reduced river flow into the Mediterranean and the health of the Mediterranean marine ...
Microplastics shed from plastic products like clothing and packaging are ending up in the fish we eat, according to researchers from Portland State University (PSU).
A massive whale skeleton on Monday became a centre of attraction for large crowds at the open house held at ICAR-Central ...
NAIROBI ― Poisoning, poaching and loss of habitat have significantly reduced populations of lion prides in Uganda, signaling ...