Tropical trees like plumeria do not thrive in most parts of the United States because they require hot and humid conditions.
When to prune an orange tree will vary depending on your US hardiness zone. The perfect time can be between February and ...
Q: Our neighbor has a large magnolia tree that casts very heavy shade into our yard. It has left us with a large bare area, ...
I sat down with Russell Norton a horticulture and agriculture educator with the Cape Cod Cooperative Extension and started by asking him: why do we prune?
Beard wrote this column in December. I hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving and survived eating too much turkey with all the complimentary side dishes and desserts.  Let us think back to ...
Fill in the tree below with the names of your family members ... After an accident with scissors when I was four—turns out ...
They say covering books marks a fresh start each January. The process is a universal ordeal, a rite of passage for parents.
The Punjab Agriculture Department has issued guidelines for harvesting and handling the kinnow fruit, a major citrus crop in ...