Checks and balances are supposed to ward off a spoils system. Can the guardrails hold?
1. Lovingreading or loving-reading (a double verb, conjugated as transitive, where what one loves-reads is someone or something, Lysias or the book). 2. Loving reading (in which case, it is reading ...
The epic of Sunjata Keita has become heritage of the entire African continent ...
Reivew by Prof. Rajiva Wijesinha Edited by Avisha Mario Seneviratne When over forty years ago I produced the first volume of the New Lankan Review, which proved popular if controversial, I realised ...
“Hereditary states are much less difficult to hold than new states. If such a ruler is ordinarily diligent and competent his government will always be secure.” Niccolò Machiavelli, The Prince (1532) ...
Readers worry that fraud may tarnish the field and slow the race for a cure. Also: Charles Blow’s farewell; treatment for ...