Steffi Graf was game for a proposal after a fan popped the question at Wimbledon. Back in 1996, the tennis star played along when a spectator shouted "Steffi, will you marry me?" on Centre Court.
The game was completely silent and tense, broken only by the sound of the ball. However, an anonymous lover broke all seriousness when he asked Steffi Graf to marry her live on air. Graf laughed, ...
“Good advice, as people usually marry their archenemies,” said the ... Agassi for recognizing the personal milestones that Steffi Graf achieved throughout her career as a professional tennis ...
Der Vater der deutschen Tennislegende Steffi Graf lebt nicht mehr. Peter Graf stirbt im Alter von 75 Jahren. Die letzten Wochen seines Lebens verbrachte er offenbar schwerkrank in der Klinik.