And with the way he behaves in treating the fans and media whenever he steps off any 18th green and whatever score he signs for, he’s definitely become a true gentleman and possibly the best ...
Fabulous horseman and true gentleman Anthony Steward has died, aged 85. Anthony Steward was riding before he was walking. Mentored by his father Jim, Anthony rode show ponies and showjumpers ...
"He was a true gentleman, a great lord mayor and great company, and he will be sorely missed." John Alden was Lord Mayor of Birmingham in 2003 and during his year of office he aimed to 'shake a ...
"True gentleman" Kacper Dudek was driving on the N14, north of Lifford, near the Northern Irish border, when the incident occurred on Friday. Those that knew him described the Polish-born man ...
No mercy, no quarter, no hesitation. Two ideologies walk into the Thunderdome, and one walks out. There used to be norms, and then the Democrats decided not to honor the norms but demanded that we ...
My father also never boasted about what he did. He was also a man of faith. "He was a true gentleman." Ms Almonds-Windmill is keen to shine further light on her father; one of the key characters ...
May Dmytro's Soul Rest in the Eternal Peace of Heaven." Another added: "Rest in peace dmytro a true gentleman always a smile on your face. "fond memories i will treasure forever. "you will be ...
I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it (other than from Seeking Alpha). I have no business relationship with any company whose stock ...