City leaders will soon decide the fate of the proposed Sarasota Performing Arts Center. Should it be built? Take our poll and ...
Backers of a proposed new Sarasota performing arts center just won't accept that the city can't afford this unrealistic, ...
A world-class performing arts center in Sarasota is not a luxury; it is a necessity for our city to maintain its reputation as a premier arts site.
The proposed Sarasota Performing Arts Center is a big investment and it's wrong to accuse opponents of lacking a sense of ...
Updated concept plans show two buildings combined into one and a medium-sized theater put on hold until decisions are made ...
During a recent workshop session, Sarasota City Commissioner Kathy Kelley Ohlrich framed the discussion about a new Sarasota Performing Arts Center as a matter of fiscal responsibility – and ...
Instead of four structures, the architect for the Sarasota Performing Arts Center has scaled plans back to two buildings with ...
New and underway projects in Sarasota require nearly $1 billion in philanthropy to bring to fruition. Organization leaders ...
The naysaying is bubbling up over the cost of a new performing arts center. But as we’ve said before, this is not a decision ...
Sarasota Orchestra secures a historic $60 million donation to build Florida’s first acoustically designed concert hall, set ...