The documentary, directed by Oscar-nominated filmmaker Smriti Mundhra for MTV Documentary Films, focuses on the days leading up to Ramirez's execution as he sought forgiveness from his victim’s son.
Director Chris Sanders on being nominated for 'The Wild Robot', a film that contains all the reasons he got into animation.
The SXSW Film and TV Festival lineup is shaping up to have a big year in 2025 with new comedies, horror movies, documentaries ...
Daniel Ramirez, Brendan Klinkenberg and Chris Haxel. Our theme music is by Jim Brunberg and Ben Landsverk of Wonderly. Special thanks to Sam Dolnick, Paula Szuchman, Lisa Tobin, Larissa Anderson ...
As Sundance Film Festival kicks off, the next major American film festival has unveiled its lineup. SXSW 2025's slate includes the premieres of the latest films from Michael Bay, Chad Hartigan, Flying ...
The interview process is designed to help assess your suitability for a career in medicine aside from academic excellence so that we can train students to become doctors who will embrace the values of ...