Actor Jaideep Ahlawat shared a gratitude note on social media after Amul gave a shout-out to his character in the latest release, Paatal Lok Season 2. The actor plays the role of Hathi Ram Chaudhary.
Actress Gul Panag, who plays Renu in 'Paatal Lok', describes her role as the emotional anchor for main character Hathiram. She highlights the show's depiction of evolving relationships over time. The ...
Jaideep Ahlawat Season 2 has turned out to be a massive success among the critics as well as the audiences. The show has ...
Paatal Lok Season 2 is out and fans cannot stop raving about Jaideep Ahlawat’s stupendous performance. It was a much-awaited ...
From action-packed thrillers to heartwarming romances, there is something for everyone. So grab your popcorn and get ready to ...