Outdoor rugs add a sense of comfort to a patio, but they can be hiding mold beneath their attractive exterior. Learn how to prevent mold for a long-lasting rug.
Learn how to transform your outdoor space by reusing an old rug to create a gorgeous DIY planter full of floral energy that ...
Outdoor gear that improve any adventure in nature.
If you want an outdoor dining area but need something more put together than a shady spot, this gravel pad DIY is a budget- and user-friendly project.
Looking for the best outdoor TV? You’re in the right place. While perhaps a niche product segment, outdoor TVs definitely have their perks. If you’re the type to worship the sun all summer long, then ...
While some applications don’t focus much on the realism of artificial grass, a few do. For example, for the backyard putting greens and golf courses, it is critical that the grass is as realistic as ...