A computer in which all internal circuits use light instead of electricity. Long predicted, an all-optical computer is not expected for some time as there are hurdles to overcome. However ...
While a commercial optical computer is still a distant goal, our high-speed optical memory technology is a step toward this future.” Advancing integrated optical memory Optical technologies have ...
Japanese researchers have helped develop an optical quantum computer that has the potential to drastically reduce the size of the next-generation computer and do even faster calculations. Because ...
Digital point-and-shoot cameras as well as consumer and prosumer video camcorders have optical zoom, but they also have digital zoom. At the telephoto side of the camera, the computer takes over ...
Are you ready to test your brain with a fun and tricky optical illusion? Here’s a challenge that might leave you scratching your head: three computers and three computer mice are all tangled up ...
Given that the basic computing element of a computer is a transistor — an electronic switching element — and that great progress has been made in all-optical switching and logic, there is an ...
But fear not, data hoarders. Two companies have stepped up to reassure the Japanese market that they'll keep producing high-quality optical media: Verbatim and I-O Data.
Thus, both data transport and processing can be performed using the medium. To implement an optical quantum computer, Furusawa and his team are employing an original method that involves a form of ...