Smith's latest collaboration with the Soundwalk Collective was recently exhibited at Kurimanzutto in New York.
Beatriz Fernandez was the first person to submit a Zip Ode in 2015, about her neighborhood. This year marks the tenth ...
A dentist who grew up near Morpeth has a passion for poetry and the anthology that she put together has now been released by the renowned Olympia Publishers.
I came across a column of yours that I had clipped and tucked away. On one of the pages I had dog-eared was the poem, “Decide ...
Roughly 8,000-year-old remains unearthed from present-day Tunisia held a surprise: European hunter-gatherer ancestry.
A YORK teacher is celebrating the signing of a deal with a publishing house and the release of her first book of poems. Aimée Donnell, 27, who teaches English, releases ‘We are all Creatures of ...
For the new Lyric Feature documentary Among the Heather Rocks, the poet Annemarie Ní Churreáin took the radio producer Claire ...
The summer program gave Anacostia High School students experience writing poetry and a greater understanding of nature and African American history.
Margaret McCarthy describes “In the Becoming” as a “full circle moment.” The volume subtitled “Poems on the Deirdre Story” ...
Hot Springs poet Samantha Youngs will be featured at Wednesday Night Poetry at Kollective Coffee + Tea, 110 Central Ave.
The narrative-lyric structure of Taking Apart the Bird Trap is anchored in a locale that straddles a bustling main road and a ...
From classics to modern masterpieces, these great poetry books—recommended by poets themselves—belong on your bookshelf The ...