The original story follows Ichika Hoshino, who hears a Miku song that she has never heard before at a CD shop and sees a Hatsune Miku whom she had never seen before. Ichika calls out to Miku ...
Meanwhile, Julius Randle and Donte DiVincenzo are still trying to find their roles with the Wolves. Due to both players struggling in Minnesota, it has caused some wrinkles in the team's chemistry.
Hatsune Miku may be just around the corner, plus Godzilla is confirmed to be hopping off the Battle Bus on January 17th. RELATED: Long-Awaited Survey Skin Finally Headed to Fortnite Though the ...
Minnesota Timberwolves forward Julius Randle will be one of the biggest names on the trade market for the next month. He is having a rough time fitting in with the Wolves' style of play.
Kondo, however, continues to live happily in an apartment complex in a quiet residential area in Tokyo with his wife, virtual singing idol Hatsune Miku. “This is my wife, Miku,” the 39-year ...
Despite some backlash from fans who were either disappointed by or unfamiliar with Hatsune Miku, the Fortnite community had been eagerly anticipating the arrival of the Japanese virtual pop star ...
Hatsune Miku has appeared in Fortnite as a new skin and an icon of the 7th season of Fortnite Festival immediately arousing interest. Who is she, where does she come from, is she real? Players are ...
According to leaks posted by the popular Fortnite leaker @ShiinaBR, Hatsune Miku and Godzilla's skins will be released in January. Unfortunately, leakers haven't unveiled yet anything regarding when ...
Fortnite’s Hatsune Miku skin was one of the biggest surprises in Chapter 6 Season 1, and while the virtual idol has been getting a lot of attention, she’s hardly the only character we’re ...