One spot that foodies should not miss when visiting Bologna is the Quadrilatero market, in the old city's medieval core. This rectangular area with a zigzag of narrow streets is adjacent to ...
This former fruit and vegetable market has transformed into a foodie mecca of Bologna, with nearly every store, market stall and osteria dishing up scrumptious dishes. Begin with Eataly ...
BOLOGNA Gestiva un bed&breakfast in via Barberia, nel centro di Bologna, ma a quanto pare usava quell’alloggio anche per altri scopi. La polizia, al termine di un’indagine, ha arrestato un 22enne ...
Yesterday was a day of summits and decisions at home Bologna. Subject: obviously, the market, which has officially opened its doors. Bologna has defined the line: theBuying a player ready, and ...
A Bologna lo sappiamo bene, visto che qui è nato, anni fa, il progetto di Last Minute Market dentro la facoltà di Agraria che dà dignità anche all’ultimo miglio di qualsiasi cibo ancora ...