Manoj Bajpayee and Priyamani play husband-wife in The Family Man series. “The work goes on, it never stops till the time director says ‘cut’. That is the time you stop. for that shot ...
Manoj Bajpayee recently opened up about a harrowing incident on the sets of the 2007 war drama 1971, where co-star Manav Kaul inadvertently caused a near-fatal accident. The incident, which also ...
Those who had associated with Benegal spoke highly of his unique vision. One of them was actor Manoj Bajpayee, who worked with the director in the 2001 film Zubeidaa. In a throwback interaction ...
Actor Manoj Bajpayee on Saturday said he has completed shooting for the third season of his critically-acclaimed series "The Family Man". The actor shared the news in a post on his Instagram ...