Tinotenda Pudu, a young boy, has been found alive after surviving five days in Zimbabwe's Matusadona Game Park, inhabited by ...
The zookeeper, named F Iriskulov, 44, was seen unlocking a padlock at the private zoo during his night shift at 5am.
In a shocking incident at a private zoo in Uzbekistan, a zookeeper entered a lion’s den to impress his girlfriend, resulting ...
Iriskulov, a zookeeper at the Lion Park, decided to make a video of himself interacting with the zoo’s lions. His goal was to impress his girlfriend by showing off his bond with the animals.
A child who had been missing for five days was found alive in a vast game park inhabited by big cats and other wild animals ...
A man entered into the lion’s den of a private zoo in Parkent district, where he was eaten alive by three lions. He ...