The Christmas season is now with us! The reading for the first Sunday in the Christmas season (Christmas 1) is Luke ...
Despite a handful of claims, most biblical scholars argue that there is no evidence to suggest that Jesus had his own family, ...
All the hustle and bustle of the season is over, as the saying goes “all done and dusted”, well at least until next year, if ...
Every Christmas, a relatively small town in the Palestinian West Bank comes center stage: Bethlehem. Jesus, according to some ...
Before we move forward in the investigation of the historical resurrection claim that Jesus of Nazareth rose from the dead, something more needs to be said about the Gospels, here.
Some social media users have claimed that Michelangelo based his depictions of Jesus on Tommaso de’ Cavalieri.
To quote historian and expert on religious studies, John Dominic Crossan: “Jesus called for nonviolent resistance to Rome and ...
The scholar and Christian convert Ayaan Hirsi Ali wrote recently of her pleasure in experiencing Christmas as a person new to ...
Kristof: So let’s go back to the Nativity. Of the four Gospels, two describe the virgin birth of Jesus and two don’t mention ...