Since 2013, when China launched its Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), interest in the measure has been sharply divided.
The frantic preparations for Carnival, driven by lucrative private investments, underly the dangerous working conditions at ...
From Tasmania to Tanzania, here are 10 of the best places to start planning a trip for next year during summer in the ...
A ex-Presidente brasileira e líder do banco de desenvolvimento do bloco BRICS, Dilma Rousseff, recebeu alta de um hospital em ...
Quantidade de garrafas pet, embalagens de cosméticos e latas de bebida nas praias de SP aumentou 500% em cinco anos; Agência ...
They may not be the best known tire brand, but Hankook tires have a formidable reputation and manufacturing facilities on ...
With the participation of over 250 attendees from across 40 countries, Abu Dhabi University (ADU) kicked off the First ...
Abu Dhabi University (ADU), in collaboration with UI GreenMetric World University Rankings, launched the First International ...
A Associação Brasileira da Piscicultura (PeixeBR) estima que, até 2030, o Brasil deve superar o Egito — atualmente o terceiro ...
The Indian men's and women's teams will face England and Netherlands, respectively in the FIH Pro League, and Royal ...
Cada vez mais achada no lixo que polui praias brasileiras, embalagem da água mineral Nongfu Spring é fabricada apenas na ...
Ainda criança, Fernando Martins ajudava a construir fornos e carregava caminhões. Na adolescência, viajou pelo país ...