The world's largest gathering of humanity begins in India on Monday with the opening of the Kumbh Mela, a six-week Hindu festival organisers expect to attract up to 400 million pilgrims.
There are numerous religions practiced across the world. They can be broadly categorized into major world religions and ...
COLUMBUS, OH – Governor Mike DeWine of Ohio has signed HB 173 into law, which includes an amendment by former State Senator ...
Organisers of India's Kumbh Mela have prepared to host a staggering 400 million devotees at the six-week Hindu festival that starts Monday and is expected to be the largest human ...
Naga Sadhus, ancient Indian ascetics, practice strict renunciation and lead austere lives focused on spirituality, celibacy, ...
Author, Speaker, Illustrator, Mythologist Lions have long been symbols of royalty across the world. In India, kings sat on ...
One of India's wealthiest temples has apologised after six people were killed and dozens more injured in a crush as they ...
These warrior-ascetics were known to protect Shiv temples from the Mughal army and invaders. Naga Sadhus had even defeated ...
Historical documents suggest the Kumbh Mela is only 150 years old, but it stands as a testament to Hinduism’s amazing ability ...
As students return to class, KOCO 5 spoke with State Superintendent Ryan Walters about issues facing Oklahoma education.
For thousands of years, humanity has been trying to understand the universe and its place in it; the mystery had been tackled ...