Leona Troxell was a political activist who played a major role in the development of the Republican Party in Arkansas, her ...
Stu Spencer was not afraid to speak truth to power. It helped him hold the position of California’s preeminent Republican ...
Barry Goldwater of Arizona defeated New York Gov. Nelson Rockefeller for the nomination for president. Nelson's brother Winthrop Rockefeller had led a sort of moderate revolt in 1963, and his ...
Jimmy Carter was elected President in a patriotic year. It was 1976, the 200th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence ...
New York’s Governor Nelson Rockefeller spoke of a “Just Society.” California’s Ronald Reagan envisioned a “Creative Society.” Michigan’s George Romney urged a “Generation of ...
From canceling stamps and liquor raids to smoking hot tax revenue, from four lanes to NYC to a new use for St. Francis ...
signed on with Nelson A. Rockefeller, the liberal governor of New York, in the race against Barry Goldwater, the archconservative senator from Arizona who won the nomination but lost the general ...
But for six months Nelson Rockefeller had effectively ... then went to work on a gracious statement. “Governor Rockefeller,” he wrote, “has made an excellent impression in the states he ...