Don't write a highly opinionated thesis. You may alienate readers, especially the ones you are trying to convince. Example: With characteristic clumsiness, campus officials bumbled their way through ...
If we are truly going to change the world and make an impact in our respective fields someday, then we must strive to produce ...
Possible Solution: Make an assertion your reader can argue with. Example: We shouldn’t judge others because it’s the inside that counts. Possible Solution: Seek to complicate your thesis by ...
EBIO student's Honors Thesis submissions from past years are archived here with abstracts from the student's respective papers. Peruse several of the submissions to get a sense of the area's of study ...
Qualified students may occasionally undertake a joint thesis in which two students collaborate on one project. In some departments a senior may culminate his or her career at Bates with an alternative ...
Please note that fonts, spacing, punctuation, and styles must be precisely as specified. Please follow the directions and the sample pages exactly. The content of the traditional thesis/dissertation ...
The California Code of Regulations: Title 5 Education, Section 40510 defines a thesis as: The written product of a systematic study of a significant problem. It identifies the problem, states the ...
Refer to the UD Thesis / Dissertation Manual for formatting requirements for your document, including examples of proper signature pages. Graduate degrees are awarded at the end of fall, winter, ...
Printed theses are normally A4 in size. Alternative sizes may be permitted where there is good academic reason (for example where the thesis includes a design portfolio) and with the prior approval of ...
the PhD in Computer Science candidate must prepare a thesis proposal that outlines, in detail, the specific problems that will be solved in the PhD dissertation. The quality of the proposal should be ...
If some or all of the data included in your thesis is obtained outside of ETH, for example at another university, at an external research institute or in industry at a private company, the thesis ...