A hundred years ago, astronomer Edwin Hubble dramatically expanded the size of the known universe. At a meeting of the ...
To celebrate the 100-year Edwin Hubble discovery that Andromeda was a galaxy outside our own, astronomers release the most ...
The full image includes some 2.5 billion pixels compiled from observations spanning more than 1,000 orbits around Earth ...
Pinpointing a Milepost Marker Star that Opened the Realm of Galaxies At the dawn of the 20th century, astronomers faced a ...
Today, NASA's Hubble Space Telescope pushes the frontiers of knowledge over 10 times farther than Edwin Hubble could ever see. The space telescope has lifted the curtain on a compulsive universe ...
The magnificent Andromeda galaxy (Messier 31), stands out as the most important nearby stellar island to our Milky Way, and ...
Based on this data, the Hubble Space Telescope was scheduled to capture the star at its dimmest and brightest light. Edwin Hubble's observations of V1 became the critical first step in uncovering ...
Hubble enters the fray Edwin Hubble joined the Mount Wilson Observatory team in California in 1919, just two years after the observatory’s Hooker Telescope, which was the largest telescope in ...