If you have credit card debt, you're not alone. On average, Americans carry $6,194 in credit card debt, according to the 2019 Experian Consumer Credit Review. And Alaskans have the highest credit ...
Credit card debt interest rates have significantly risen ... Kobeissi Letter shared a chart that revealed that credit card interest rates have significantly risen since the pandemic in 2020.
U.S. household debt has climbed to record heights in recent years, reaching $17.94 trillion as of the third quarter of 2024, ...
Many economists have felt relief over continued GDP growth. But ongoing data releases suggest that the foundation of the ...
If you're having trouble managing credit card balances, consider consolidating your debt to save time and money.
But there’s another possible sign that people are struggling with credit card debt: The share of U.S. credit card holders who are only making the minimum payments has reached a record high.