A painting found at a Minnesota garage sale is an unknown work by Vincent van Gogh titled 'Elimar,' according to findings ...
A group of experts believes that a painting purchased at a Minnetonka, Minnesota yard sale in 2016 may be the work of Vincent ...
The portrait of a fisherman was found in Minnesota by an anonymous collector. A new analysis has concluded that it could be ...
Nansemond-Suffolk Academy launched its 39th Art Show and Sale, featuring original artwork from more than 180 local and regional artists and community members.
A New York-based art firm announced its experts have verified that a painting bought for $50 from a Minnesota garage sale is a long-lost work by Vincent van Gogh.
A new report makes the case that a painting bought at a Minnetonka garage sale in 2016 is actually a previously unknown work by Van Gogh. But not everyone buys it.
A painting bought at a garage sale in Minnesota is a previously unknown portrait by Dutch artist Vincent Van Gogh, according to a newly published expert analysis.
All proceeds from table rentals will benefit Hurricane Helene relief efforts, and a table will be set up for donations.
DOWNSIZING AND DECLUTTERING: A workshop on starting the decluttering process and tips on how to organize and declutter will ...
The shop, art collective and gallery, which opened in October, sells locally made clothing, artwork and shoes and hosts events.
Decade offers the public an opportunity to see 45 stunning pieces by 45 Dumfries and Galloway artists and makers – highlighting the extraordinary breadth of talent within Upland’s membership, ...
Craig Duster’s early adulthood dream came true in 2020 when he took a chance and opened POP Art Books Culture in Boardman.