The mysterious planet Nibiru has fueled apocalyptic theories, from a potential Earth collision to links with ancient aliens.
Following the Quadrantids meteor shower, another incredible sky event is about to take place: comet Atlas C/2024 G3 will soon ...
Generally, the nights of and near the new moon – when the moon is not illuminated – are better for most stargazing experiences. Here are the dates of new moons this year.
Early 2025 is a good time for skygazing and spotting up to seven planets in the night sky – if you have a little help.
The Moon meets the Red Planet’s rival in Scorpius, skims close to Saturn, and reaches New phase in the sky this week.
Comet ATLAS (C/2024 G3) came within 8.3 million miles of the sun on January 13 as it reached its perihelion, and is now disintegrating.
In 1920, astronomers Harlow Shapley and Heber Curtis held a Great Debate. Shapley argued that the spiral nebulae were small and in the Milky Way, while Curtis took a more radical position that they ...
If you're planning on stargazing in Dubai, these are all the biggest space events in the 2025 calendar that you have to get ...
“Reducing unnecessary light pollution saves energy, enhances stargazing tourism, and protects Colorado’s breathtaking night ...
G3 (ATLAS) showed off its spectacular tail plumage to NASA spacecraft when it flew close to the sun this month.
G3 has mesmerized astronomers and amateur skygazers for months as the world tried to spot the bright comet in the sky nearing its fatal encounter with the Sun.
Unlike prior parades, this one is set to last quite a while since the planets are in advantageous spots in the sky. You should be able to see all six planets nightly until the last week of February.