Theme of the Lecture: when can institutions not improve efficiency? When can we not improve upon market outcomes? Coase Theorem: Efficiency and Bargaining -- closely related to value maximization.
Coase's most famous contribution is the Coase Theorem, which holds that the problem of externalities-that is, me taking an action that imposes a cost on you-can be fixed without government action ...
As the importance of digital data increases, the Coase Theorem has become important once again. The theorem implies that once ownership is established for such a resource, an efficient allocation will ...
This aligns with the Coase theorem, which posits that parties can negotiate solutions to externalities without government intervention, provided they can bargain freely and have complete ...
In his most influential paper, The Problem of the Social Cost (1960), he developed what later became known as the Coase theorem. His work was a call to legal scholars to consider the process of ...