Hocker lived on Maui when wildfires destroyed as many as 4,000 housing units in August 2023, leveling the town of Lahaina.
Gov. Gavin Newsom and Democratic lawmakers are sure to lecture us again this session about the need to step up our efforts to ...
California paid $83.1 billion more in federal taxes than it received from the federal government — more than any other state — in 2022. When the state’s population is considered, California paid ...
“FEMA has turned out to be a disaster,” Trump said in North Carolina on Friday while on a multistate tour to areas still ...
With the governor's budget proposal, the CSU system faces a nearly 8% cut to its general fund -- that's $375 million of state ...
Sonoma State University students, faculty and alumni have rallied to to action in an effort to persuade the university to reverse course on its budget cuts.
"Ninety percent of what we do is prevention." Capstone is part of a growing and controversial ecosystem of private ...
CSU officials said campuses should look for opportunities in the midst of shifting federal funding priorities and are also ...
Some council members said the proposal needed more information and clarification and the matter was sent back to the Housing ...
(The Conversation is an independent and nonprofit source of news, analysis and ...
The Republican Party tried hard last year to keep one of its members, Carl DeMaio, from taking a seat in the California ...
The 25-member board is not scheduled to discuss SSU, but contingents from the SSU community plan to speak out during the public comment segment of the livestreamed meeting, scheduled for 9:20 a.m.