Black hole quantum effects are usually thought to be too small to have any observable signatures. This is indeed the case for ...
Regular pulses of X-ray radiation emanating from a supermassive black hole could be explained by a white dwarf star on the ...
The newly discovered "blazar," which has a mass equal to 700 million suns, is the oldest of its kind ever seen and changes ...
The dense stellar remnant would, if confirmed, be the closest known object to any black hole, according to preliminary ...
Using the MIRI instrument onboard the James Webb Space Telescope, an international team of scientists made the first-ever ...
After decades of study, scientists sound genuinely optimistic about the possibility of detecting primordial black holes, which might explain dark matter.
Astronomers discover a supermassive black hole, weighing 700 million suns, firing a giant energy beam directly at Earth from ...
Since 2018, we've seen 1ES 1927+654 generate jets in real time and found it may have a lone white dwarf orbiting near the ...
Sagittarius A* is the supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way. As supermassive black holes go, it is fairly ...
A black hole infamous for strange features has once again baffled astronomers, this time with rapid X-ray flashes. What could ...