Medically reviewed by Maggie Moon, MS, RD Inflammation is your immune system’s response to an irritant, injury, or infection.
Now that Novo Nordisk is the world’s weight-loss juggernaut, will it have to betray its first patients—type 1 diabetics?
Though we commonly include sugar when preparing meals and sweetening our food and drinks, a variety of healthy sugar ...
While it is easy to fall into the trap of trusting labels like ‘low-fat’ ‘organic’ or ‘gluten-free’ its essential to go beyond the hype Read ahead to know these food items and the best approaches to m ...
The fire still seemed distant, and Kelley declined to evacuate with them. At 1:22 a.m. the next day, her grandmother ...
Belly fat — both the visible kind and the deep kind that sits around your organs — is caused by a combination of factors.