Can you offer me any tips on choosing and using a home blood pressure monitor? I just found out I have high blood pressure.
Dear Just Turned 63: Everyone with high blood pressure (130/80 or above) should have a home blood pressure monitor. Home ...
The American Heart Association recommends that anyone with high blood pressure (typically 130/80 mmHg or higher) should monitor their blood pressure at home. Regular monitoring helps your doctor ...
This common mistake could be skewing your blood pressure readings leading to misdiagnosis and unnecessary medication.
Blood pressure is a silent disease meaning it does not always show noticeable signs However when it does cause symptoms and ...
We all know that things like stress or diet changes can temporarily elevate our blood pressure. But you might not actually notice your BP gradually increasing over time unless you're actively ...
For people with high blood pressure, monitoring blood pressure accurately is important. Learn about choosing a device, self-monitoring steps and best timing and frequency practices.
They may also ask you to use a home monitor to check your blood pressure regularly at home. Managing high blood pressure can be an ongoing condition. Taking your medication exactly as prescribed ...