ABC Kids show Bluey is set to receive its own Lego-themed set, in celebration of its tremendous success across the world.
Viewers of the globally popular children's animation show were sent into a frenzy while re-watching a fan favourite ...
The Lego Group has announced a new partnership with BBC studios to release Bluey themed building blocks.
Bluey is about to undergo a new makeover — and will be turned into Lego that kids around the world can play with for years to ...
Australian cartoon series Bluey is to be adapted into a feature film. The programme which follows the adventures of the loveable, inexhaustible, blue heeler dog, who lives with her mum ...
Australian cartoon series Bluey is to be adapted into a feature film. The programme which follows the adventures of the loveable, inexhaustible, blue heeler dog, who lives with her mum, dad and little ...
A Bluey movie is officially in the works. BBC Studios and The Walt Disney Company have confirmed that the hit Australian cartoon series is getting the big screen treatment. Bluey follows the ...