Two years after the groundbreaking Artemis 1 mission, the space capsule that journeyed around the moon is back at NASA's Neil Armstrong test facility in Sandusky for rigorous testing. This capsule ...
It was NASA’s Orion capsule, which would soon end the 25-day Artemis I mission around and beyond the moon with a fiery splashdown into the ocean. Orion's reentry followed a sharply angled ...
The Orion spacecraft, which will carry four astronauts around the moon on the Artemis 2 mission, recently reentered an altitude chamber at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Orion ...
Artemis delays raise questions about NASA's 2027 moon landing goal. Can the US maintain its lead in space exploration?
Artemis 2, which will send a crew of three Americans ... "We have since determined that while the capsule was dipping in and out of the atmosphere as part of that planned skip entry, heat ...
This mission, Artemis I, was uncrewed. But NASA’s ultimate objective is to send humans to the Moon in 2026. So, NASA needed to make sure that any damage to the capsule– even its heat shield ...
This mission, Artemis I, was uncrewed. But NASA's ultimate objective is to send humans to the moon in 2026. (The target is now 2027.) So, NASA needed to make sure that any damage to the capsule ...