Rick and Morty anime spawned from successful animated shorts with Takashi Sano as director. Characters in the anime lack ...
Some people may immediately write this off as Rick and Morty with an anime art style, but they are off-base here; there's far more to it than you'd suspect. In fact, I would argue that the anime ...
Even for Rick and Morty, which is known for its wild and unusual swings and particular brand of sci-fi humor, the new anime ...
The cover art for the cardboard sleeve features Rick and Morty transformed into a couch ... shows, comics, anime, video games, and more! Sign up here and never miss a scoop. By signing up, you ...
deixando novamente um buraco no coração dos fãs, mas a sua despedida foi compensada com uma surpresa: o teaser trailer para a adaptação anime de Rick and Morty.
Dani Di Placido covers film, television, and internet culture. Rick and Morty just shocked fans with a dramatic twist halfway through the show’s seventh season, finally concluding Rick’s big ...