Super Goku Battle is a 2D fighting game that uses the Dragon Ball universe to immerse players into frantic fights, various ...
The world has seen Dragon Ball-inspired fighting games, beat 'em-ups, RPGs, and more. They've been in 2D, 2.5D, and 3D. Plus, some have been re-tellings of the anime, while others have told ...
Quality of life improvements in DRAGON QUEST III HD-2D Remake include the option to speed up battles (something I highly recommend), auto-battling, and the autosave option. Here, the game will ...
Dragon Ball Sparking! Zero is the most successful Dragon Ball game to date, which is saying something when you consider how many games have been made about Goku, Vegeta, and company. Let’s take ...
You couldn’t have a Dragon Ball game without regular old Goku in his base form, and fortunately, Sparkling Zero features four versions of Base Goku. Just like the ...
There will be booths and tournaments for multiple existing games and series. For example, the Dragon Ball Daima anime will have one that will feature new merchandise based on the series.
There will be multiple gaming booths for attendees to play demo versions of Dragon Ball games, including a Sparking! Zero booth where challengers can play Custom Battles invented by the title’s ...
Prioritize effective healing spells like Fullheal and Omniheal in Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake to ensure survival. Midheal and Multiheal are efficient mid-to-late game options for healing all ...