ASIC will hold AFSL and ACL holders to account for failing to adequately protect customers from scams and to assist them once the scam has occurred.
The recent decision in Waller v Barrett is significant because the Court determined that the Australian common law should now recognise a cause of action for serious invasions of privacy, which could ...
Since 2016, it’s been clear from Federal Court decisions that external documents that cover disciplinary procedures can be incorporated into employment contracts. The High Court has endorsed this, ...
Much like the Commonwealth notifiable data breaches scheme, the WA notifiable information breaches scheme is intended to improve an individual's privacy protections by providing them with prompt ...
Confirms that the taking of “reasonable care” by a statutory authority is not, in and of itself, sufficient for an authority to avoid liability in nuisance, in circumstances where the interference ...
In September 2024, the WA State Government loosened the ban on onshore gas exports. The Policy now requires that onshore gas projects reserve 80% (rather than 100%) of production for WA domestic use ...
The Australian Parliament has passed legislation aimed at blocking children under 16 from using social media platforms such as TikTok, Instagram, Snapchat, X, Reddit and Facebook. The ban will not ...
Recent amendments to NSW planning law aim to provide a lawful basis for the common practice of using separate planning pathways for offsite enabling infrastructure and the project which that ...
The Australian Government outlines proposal for a new digital competition regime for “designated” digital platform services, with submissions due by 14th February 2025.
The majority of the High Court determined that the Demlin Physical Abuse Allegations, as pleaded by Ms Willmot, were “so vague that they are incapable of meaningful response, defence or contradiction” ...
The New Rule allows Ministers to agree a cost allocation that can smooth asymmetric bill impacts, particularly if the impact may delay or jeopardise delivery of an interconnector, which will be of ...