Michael Faust reviews this film in the light of eternity. Is Groundhog Day one of the great philosophical movies? Viewed on the most trivial level it’s just another Hollywood rom-com, but on closer ...
Magdalena Scholle looks for Apollonian and Dionysian traits in Salvador Dalí’s art. “Even in the matter of moustaches I was going to surpass Nietzsche! Mine would not be depressing, catastrophic, ...
Mary Daly is a world-renowned Radical Feminist philosopher, theologian and author. Professor Daly, what is Radical Feminism? Well, I actually define that in my Wickedary, which is a ‘dictionary for ...
The following responses to this basic ethical question each win a random book. To understand how acquire have moral knowledge, we first need to understand what sort of thing we are talking about when ...
Alfred Geier says it’s not about the state of the state. The Republic is Plato’s most famous dialogue, contains many of his best-known arguments and is one of the great classics of world literature.
Richard Taylor on the proper role of myths and mysteries. The best way into our subject is through a look at ancient mythology. Consider, for example, the familiar story of Sisyphus, whom the gods ...
Academician Abdusalam A. Guseinov on pacificism and the perspective of the infinite beginning. The idea of nonviolence entered into the cycle of Russian ethics on the wave of Mikhail Gorbachev’s ...
Alan Haworth on Karl Popper, his vision of a pragmatic, liberal society, and his assessment of its philosophical enemies. It is now one hundred years since the birth of Karl Popper, and almost sixty ...
David Fraser examines the validity of Jennifer Lackey’s testimony. Until recently, the knowledge a hearer purports to gain from a speaker, or testimony, as it is formally called, has received scant ...
Patricia Railing explains the philosophical ideas behind some of abstract art’s most famous abstractions. There has been much philosophical speculation on the relationship between artistic materials ...
The following philosophical forecasts of our fate each win an unforeseeable book. From the onset of the Industrial Revolution, human progress has been unprecedented in its sheer speed and scale.
Samuel Kaldas compares two views on the nature of animals and their implications for our moral responsibility towards them. “No one understands animals who does not see that every one of them, even ...