Modern revolvers are typically double-action guns: a single trigger pull both cocks the hammer and releases it, firing the ...
Note that FBI SWAT is not the same as the Agency’s Hostage Response Team (HRT), though both are elite units. In the 1980s, HRT was using the iconic Browning Hi-Power single-action 9mm autopistol as ...
45 ACP (Automatic Colt Pistol) cartridge and World War II? This question brings three things to mind: If you answered the legendary M1911-A1 single-action semiautomatic pistol, you’d be ...
With the introduction of blued Colt Pythons, the company answered the demands of many consumers, including NRA Media ...
38 caliber revolvers. The Beretta M9 has redundant automatic safety features to help prevent unintentional discharges. It can be fired in either double or single action mode and can be unloaded ...