Simon’s Rock alum Hannah Wheeler, ‘20, has recently achieved a milestone during her work in partnership with the New York ...
Rockers don’t wait to make a mark. Working side-by-side with supportive faculty, they produce important and lasting intellectual contributions right away. And they’re recognized for it. Eric Yi ’16 ...
The title repreenting the folder in the generated breadcrumbs. This will be used as the last crumb on the index page of the current folder. If the section-home variable is set to the current folder, ...
Assistant Professor of Mathematics Tim Susse is dynamically advancing the study of mathematics at Simon’s Rock and across the broader Bard High School Early College (BHSEC) Network through the math ...
The Wellness Center at Simon’s Rock is staffed by a team of dedicated healthcare professionals that support and attend to your physical and mental health needs. Our health services staff includes ...
Parami Institute, founded by Kyaw Moe Tun ’05, is the newest in a long line of Bard College-affiliated campuses and partnerships created to serve student populations in some of the most difficult ...
I’m a historian of the United States, the US in the world, and global history. I offer a variety of courses, from our first-year liberal arts seminar sequence on the human condition and modernity to ...
If you’ve never seen a llama slam dunk or swim a 200-Yard freestyle, you’re in for a treat. Our basketball, soccer and swim teams give you the chance to compete and practice what it means to pursue a ...
For a quick and reliable tool that helps you build a bibliography instantly from any computer or device, without creating an account or installing any software, try ZoteroBib. For a more robust ...
For many students, Simon’s Rock is a unique opportunity — much more than an “option.” It’s the “where have you been all my life” answer. The opportunities at Simon’s Rock are unlike anything you’ll ...