Mallow has ranked 21st out of 40 towns and cities in the latest Irish Business Against Litter (IBAL) rankings, in which it was judged to ‘cleaner than European Norms’.
it has assuredly been put to bed by the latest survey for Irish Business Against Litter (IBAL) which was carried out by An Taisce. The north inner city was the only area to be branded “seriously ...
The council last September announced plans to use CCTV to identify illegal dumpers for the first time in almost a decade.
Naas was deemed the cleanest town, with Dublin's north inner city the most littered, in the survey carried out by Irish Business Against Litter. Forty towns and cities were surveyed, with Naas ...
People are continuing to show a “flagrant disregard for their surroundings”, the Irish Business Against Litter (IBAL) said. The latest survey of 40 towns and cities across Ireland by the group ...
Waterford has emerged as Ireland’s second cleanest city in the Irish Business Against Litter (IBAL) anti-litter league, although Galway has taken Waterford‘s crown as the cleanest city. Ballybeg in ...
The recent Irish Business Against Litter survey finds that Sligo Town is cleaner than European norms with eight out of ten sites examined getting the top litter grade. Oak Lawn. JFK Parade.
Galway has emerged smelling of roses in the latest national litter awareness survey. It has been ranked as the cleanest city ...
The findings were published by the Irish Business Against Litter (IBAL) group on Monday. An Taisce, who conducted the surveys on behalf of IBAL, said the town’s achievement “didn’t happen ...
Killarney, which outlawed disposable coffee cups in 2023, was one of the most improved towns last year, rising from 14th to fourth in the rankings. “Given the evident success of this initiative in ...
The Irish Business Against Litter (Ibal) report, published on January 6, was based on surveys of individual locations all around the country. Naas was named as Ireland’s cleanest town while ...
The number of cans and bottles littering streets has fallen near 50% since the introduction of the Deposit Return Scheme, but has not made a dent in reducing overall litter, new findings show.