The Game Boy Advance was an incredible handheld system and produced some of the best stories one could find on a portable ...
There are more ways to explore Hyrule than the mainline 3D and 2D adventures. These are the best Zelda spinoff games that ...
The Minish Cap is the twelfth release in the franchise and it fits comfortably amongst the many great games that came before and after it. This title is a prequel to another great Zelda entry ...
Nintendo released the Gameboy Advance in 2001 as the next advancement ... contains enemies and bosses from the first 2 games.
If you finish the game once, you will be able to press Start ... 71K Maps and Charts West Overworld Map by DEngel 161K In the GBA version, press the start button and then simultaneously press ...
Pipistrello and the Cursed Yoyo stakes its claim to being the "world's first yoyovania", boasting over 1000 unique screens, more than 40 equippable badges to provide buffs and skills, and 20 passive ...