But times were changing: Whale populations in the North Atlantic had declined, forcing whaling ships to head to more distant waters, first plundering the rich pickings off the South American coast ...
Converted from a pelagic trawl boat, the factory ship first led a whaling expedition that lasted from 1991 to 1992. It was called a “moving processing factory” because the whales caught by ...
Also popular is a storytelling presentation on The Essex, the local whaling ship that inspired "Moby Dick." The Whaling Museum sits in a former candle factory in Nantucket Town. Admission starts ...
president of Kyodo Senpaku Co., the whaling company that owns the ship, during the ship’s departure ceremony. He said the construction of the Kangei Maru means that offshore, mothership type ...
The Kangei Maru has succeeded the world's only other whaling mother ship, the Nisshin Maru. Rather than carving up the carcasses on deck, often in bad weather, the workers will now be able to ...