Following enthusiastic reactions from fans in Jaipur and Prayagraj, the film's team, including Abhishek Kapoor, Aaman Devgan, and Rasha Thadani, visited Varanasi, the spiritual heart of India.
A man has been arrested for allegedly killing an eight-year-old girl after trying to rape her in Uttar Pradesh's Varanasi. She had fought back and screamed at him, the police said.
Varanasi School News Today: The District Basic Education Officer has declared holidays for two days up to the 8th class. In view of the cold wave and bad weather conditions, schools in Varanasi ...
Monali Thakur faced a distressing incident during her Varanasi concert on December 22, 2024, due to poor management and unsafe conditions. She accused the event team of negligence and misuse of ...