"Rising" also changes the core origin story of Ultraman, replacing the typical Shin Hayata character with a baseball player named Kenji Sato. These changes have a clear goal: introducing "Ultraman ...
Rising trailers are anything to go by, it looks like it’s very much going to deliver. The Ultraman franchise has had a long and storied history going back almost 60 years, and the character has ...
Ultraman has been rumored to be the identity of the ambiguous, all-in-black villain seen multiple times across set images and ...
Netflix’s “Ultraman: Rising” serves as a reinvention and a reintroduction of the classic monster-battling character who first debuted on Japanese television in 1966. In the years since ...
"Ultraman" is one of the most iconic and popular characters in Japanese history ... Now comes "Ultraman: Rising," not only a spectacular addition to the franchise, but one of the best superhero ...
a new “Ultraman” movie grounds the popular character with Earthly responsibilities. “Ultraman: Rising” is a Japanese-American co-production written by Shannon Tindle and Marc Haimes that ...
Cartoon Brew and Netflix recently hosted a special FYC screening of Ultraman: Rising at Netflix Animation ... “but it was more [about] how can I take a character like this and bring it to ...
Netflix’s “Ultraman: Rising” serves as a reinvention and a reintroduction of the classic monster-battling character who first debuted on Japanese television in 1966. In the years since, Ultraman has ...