The dust storm continued to impact the area overnight into Wednesday, leading to power outages, wildfires and school and road ...
The Texas Department of Transportation announced that eastbound I-40 is back open to traffic. Update: Wednesday, March ...
The project would widen SH 4 from a 2-lane roadway to a 4-lane divided roadway with two, 12-foot concrete travel lanes, ...
according to a news release from TxDOT. The state transportation agency also will close the eastbound lanes of Loop 1604 between Vance Jackson Road and Lockhill Selma Road between 9 p.m. Friday ...
TxDOT plans to close the intersection between Evans Road and Interstate 35, as well as the northbound to southbound turnaround at the interstate. The state transportation agency also plans to ...
TxDOT said there were state troopers involved in the accident, but there were no fatalities or serious injuries reported.
10—A Texas Department of Transportation proposal to widen State ... road would feature two 12-foot-wide travel lanes, an eight-foot-wide shoulder in both directions, and flush paved median 4 to 12 ...
According to TxDOT's interactive road map at ... to 14 new wildfires that burned 18,518 acres across the state, and 10 fires were considered still active Wednesday.