Tuna pasta salad is one of those timeless dishes that never fails to satisfy. Whether you're preparing it for a quick lunch, ...
Have you ever considered adding apples to your tuna salad? Perhaps a handful of jalapeño-flavored potato chips or some fresh corn? I’m guessing not many people opted for these add-ins until ...
So, when I make tuna salad, I make sure every bite is loaded with pickle-y goodness. In place of the usual vegetables that most tuna salad recipes call for, like celery and onion, I only use pickles.
A whole wheat tuna pasta salad recipe that's ready in 10 minutes. Perfect for kids packed lunches. Each serving provides 230kcal, 16g protein, 28g carbohydrate (of which 3g sugars), 5g fat (of ...
Have you ever considered adding apples to your tuna salad? Perhaps a handful of jalapeño-flavored potato chips or some fresh corn? I’m guessing not many people opted for these add-ins until this past ...