If your Windows laptop or Microsoft Surface touchscreen has dead zones, use the following suggestions to fix the issue. Please apply the fixes that may be applicable to your Widows laptop or ...
If the TouchScreen is not working on your Windows 11/10 Laptop, you can use the following solutions to fix the problem. These solution will apply to a Microsoft Surface device too. If the glass on ...
Microsoft and Apple both have new laptops on show and both have a rather special add-on too: the versatile Surface Dial in Microsoft's case and the Touch Bar extension that now sits above the ...
That could explain why 80% of infections are spread the same way: Someone touches a germ-ridden surface. Or someone infected by germ particles from a sneeze, a cough, or a touch -- gets the ...
It has been developing for over a decade, where researchers use electro-vibration to make for a better sensory experience on a smooth touch surface. Similarly, a Japanese professor has developed a ...