In a two thousand year-old burial cave in Jerusalem, the Tomb of Salome, the midwife who delivered Jesus was discovered .
Israel HershkovitzThe two ancient and corroded nails came from an unmarked box delivered to Tel Aviv University. The new ...
What does science say? The National Geographic Museum in Washington, D.C., another non-sectarian organization, invited the ...
Just yards from the tomb of Christ are other rock-hewn tombs of the period, affirming that this church, destroyed and rebuilt twice, was indeed constructed over a Jewish burial ground. I recall ...
This commemoration begins on Thursday evening with the Matins of Holy Friday and concludes with a Vespers on Friday afternoon that observes the unnailing of Christ from the Cross and the placement of ...
Jami HodgeContributing Writer for the Hiawatha World The 32nd annual Festival of Lights transformed Horton’s downtown ...