We called her that because she had a face like a moose." What follows over the next 447 pages of The Dirt: Confessions of the World's Most Notorious Rock Band is for the most part not fit for ...
Motley Crue, Elton John, the Beatles and Bruce Springsteen were the subject of recent films. ‘Don’t Be the Nikki Sixx You Met’ - ‘The Dirt&CloseCurlyQuote ...
Netflix's The Dirt is a biographical comedy-drama about arguably one the most popular and controversial bands of the '80s and '90s, Motley Crue. The movie does its best to depict the legendary ...
The tell-all band biography, ‘The Dirt,’ became a best-seller in 2001, and Motley Crue spent the next decade repeatedly making up and breaking up, amid sporadic albums and tours, until ...
Earlier this week, Netflix dropped the first trailer for their adaptation of Mötley Crüe’s The Dirt. And it looks pretty good! Trailers can be deceiving, sure… but still! I find this encouraging.
Motley Crue’s Nikki Sixx Seeks Unknowns for ‘Dirt’ Film Cast A final album and one last big tour are standard moves for a band mapping out an acrimony-free farewell. Those appear to be part ...